Thursday, July 22, 2010

What does the first name Leah and the last name Moscariello mean?

Moscariello is a family name common in Campania Region, mainly in Avellino and Napoli province.

While Moscariello can have roots in local dialect and have a meaning of small fly or mosquito, probably the origin is more ancient (around the late 11th early 12th century) and linked to a specific activity: the production of "Muscat" wine or the production of essences with musk (from an Arabic word).

You have already all information about Leah (just Lea in Italian)

What does the first name Leah and the last name Moscariello mean?
It is hard to give a direct answer to this question for so many surnames as they tend to change meaning and spelling over time.

Moscariello could be a derivative of Moschella

Usage: Italian

Extra: Statistics

Means "housefly" in Italian, perhaps originally as a nickname for an annoying person.


Gender: Feminine

Usage: English, Jewish, Biblical

Pronounced: LEE-蓹 (English) [key]

From the Hebrew name 诇值讗指讛 (Le'ah) which was probably derived from the Hebrew word 诇职讗指讛 (le'ah) meaning "weary". Alternatively it might derive from a Chaldean name meaning "mistress" or "ruler" in Assyrian. In the Old Testament Leah was the first wife of Jacob and the mother of seven of his children. Although this name was used by Jews in the Middle Ages, it was not typical as an English Christian name until after the Protestant Reformation, being common among the Puritans.


founder California Genealogy Club

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