Monday, July 19, 2010

How can I get my son to not call me by my first name?

My son is constantly screaming "MEG!". I don't know if he really knows thats my name because he is only 17 months but man its got to stop. I'm mama.

How can I get my son to not call me by my first name?
When your child is around, have other people refer to you as mommy.. at least until he gets it.

I work at a daycare and we had a 2 year old who would always call his mom Kerri, because that's what other people call her...

I started saying to her, "oh, here you go, mommy." "hi, mommy! Liam's been waiting!" and just putting "mommy" anywhere I would have usually put "Kerri"

before long, he started saying "mommy!" and not "kerri!" when he saw her...

now that he's talking more, he tells me - "that's mommy. not kerri."
Reply:A lot of children do that. They hear other people call you that and he knows you respond. He just wants to be one of the big boys. Gently, correct your son and don't answer to him until he calls you Mama.( unless of course it is an emergency) But don't be offended, he is learning and mimicking. Make sure other people refer to you as Mama or your Mama when talking to him about you.
Reply:Just correct him each time he calls you by your first name. I'm sure he means no disrespect, he's only 17 months old and he's probably just heard other people call you that. Just keep correcting him and don't respond to him unless he calls you by the correct name, and as he gets older he should learn to call you mom.
Reply:He is hearing it from someone else obviously. Once he gets older and can understand you when you tell him to call you mom and not by your real name, then do it. When my son started to talk and call me instead of calling me mommy (mom) he would call me honey bc that is what he constantly heard my husband calling Hey be happy he isnt calling you some nasty name right??!
Reply:Sometimes it works if you ignore him until he calls you mama. and if that doesn't work and he keeps screaming say, "I am not meg. i am your mama and i don't want you to call me meg. understand?" that should work!
Reply:Tell him that your real name is mom. I had that problem with my oldest when he was 2 and I had to tell him that my name was mommy not christine. He got use to it and he is now 8.
Reply:If you can stand to, ignore him when he calls you by your given name. Only respond to him when he calls you "mommy". You might have to remind him a few times but I bet the farm it will work.
Reply:Just ignore it when he's doing it, unless he sounds hurt or in pain. Eventually he'll stop. ANY attention to him will only encourage it. I know it's hard, but it's the only way.
Reply:Most likely he heard your name from people around you so he just copes them.

If it is possible ask people to call you Mammy in his present.
Reply:I went through that stage.... he should stop. tell him if he doesnt stop it you are gonna put soap in his mouth. It should cure it.
Reply:oh the chiild is just learning ..let him do it .... just keep saying mommy around him he will start calling you that

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