I've heard kids call a 25 year old man Mr. Jones, and a 65 year old man Al. What determines the proper etiquette in this area?
Should kids call adults by their first name?
Depends on the ages and the relationship.
In European languages, there's a difference and a concomitant etiquette that determines who gets to be formal, informal and a blend of the two. That reference here to "Miss Judy" works pretty well- the lady gets a title (Miss) and a first name (Judy).
Even in laid-back California, it would sound wrong to my ears for a three year old to call a 65-year-old guy "Al." The child should know to use "Mister" or "Ma'am."
Conversely, it would be stuffy and stilted for a 17-year-old to say "Mister" to a 25-year-old cousin.
And when someone is in uniform or you're in a business situation, use "Mister" or Miss."
When in doubt, go with the more formal. If the 25-year-old wants to be "Bill," he'll let you know.
Reply:I'm sure Ms. Manners wouldn't agree with me, but I'd think it would depend on the individual relationship with the "older" person.
Good question!
Reply:kids shouldnt call adults by their first names bc its very disrespectful. Kids who do that dont have any manners and need to learn them.
My mom would freak if i said 'Hey Tiffany, make me dinner."
Reply:i think it depends on how well you know someone and if they like you calling them by their first name
Reply:It depends on what the adult wants. If the 25-year-old is not comfortable with kids calling him Bob or Joe, then Mr. Jones it is. And if hte 65-year-old guy named Al feels old when kids call him Mr. Smith, then he'll forever be Al. It really depends on the person! :)
Reply:Absolutely not. Children should not address adults by their first names. They should address them are Mr. or Mrs. or Miss. whatever their last name is. If they do not know that then they should say Sir or Ma'am.
I'm 37 and I still address my elders as Sir, Ma'am, Mr., Mrs., or Miss.
Reply:Depends on alot of things.
Is this adult their teacher or neighbor? and how does this person feel about it.
like for my grandma...i call her grandma... not Grandma Bea.
I still call old teachers...like my kindergarten and all my high school teachers Mr. or Mrs. *last name*.
If this adult wants you to call them by their first name...then do it. If not "Mr. or Mrs *last name* is better.
Maybe Al wants to be called that.
Reply:I think all "children" regardless of age, should call people by either Mr. or Mrs./Ms. Last name. In daycare, it's becoming very popular to call people by (title) Susan. "Ms. Susan" for example, is just tacky and wrong. Elders deserve respect. Mr. Jones is cool, Mr. Thomas is NOT.
Reply:It really depends on how well the child knows the adult.
Reply:It really depends on the relationship between the two people. If they are friends, then most kids would call them by their first name. It is more of what is expected and accepted by the child's family and the person he is talking to.
Al might be someone the kid know well (family) or have been told just to call him Al.
Reply:Well i am a 14 year old and i call people what i do depending on thier preference and or how well i know them.
Reply:I don't see anything wrong with that, but just as long as the adult gives them permission to do so.
Reply:It is that particular adults responsibility to enforce what he or she thinks is best if the parent doesn' t make it clear. I was taught to put a Ms. or Mr. in front of the first or last name when talking to an adult.
Reply:I have always had my daughter call our friends Mr. and Mrs. I leave it up to the Mr. and Mrs. to allow her to call them something different. I always tell children to call me by my first name. Calling me Mrs. makes me feel old. LOL
Reply:I don't find it proper for children to call adults by their first names. In the south, they use Miss Judy, or Miss something if they are talking to an adult and I still found that a little strange. An adult should command some respect so it should be Mr. or Mrs. Smith or whatever along those lines but first names shouldn't be used. Some adults may ask for their first names to be used but I think that just confuses the matter.
Reply:if the adult doesnt mind if u call them by their first name then it doesnt matter but i think the first instinc should bet to say mr or mrs/ms.
Reply:in my area everyone is calling everyone by the first name, no matter what the age is
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