Monday, August 23, 2010

How do you feel about abortion? Are you pro choice or pro life? if you post i need your age and first name?

I am doing a research paper for my political science class and i need as many opinions as possible. im gonna do a poll on how many people are prolife and prochoice. if you respond i really do appreciate it, thank you very much.


How do you feel about abortion? Are you pro choice or pro life? if you post i need your age and first name?
Pro-Choice. I personally don't think that I could ever have an abortion, but I do believe that women have the right to choose. However, abortions should not be used as a form of birth control, such as women who continue to get pregnant and have abortions over and over.

Rachel, 24

Life is a gift.


Anorotobi Sarutobi Narfobo

Reply:pro choice. 29 and you can call me "jane". :) I had an abortion due to cancer. I was on bc at the time. Radiation, surgery, chemo and pregnancy just don't mix. Not to mention I've become attached to this whole "living" thing. Please mention in your paper that women who believe in abortion only in cases of rape or medical reasons are somewhat naive. There is no way to enforce a law like that.
Reply:It is murder.... it is NEVER ok to take a life.

Not only is a baby killed but A LOT of women are left with the effects of it for MANY MANY years.

Post Abortion Stress Syndrome.... it is real!


Reply:pro-life, 28, Melissa, baby #2 on the way
Reply:wrong and should be illegal unless there is some thing seriously or deathly wrong with the mom
Reply:I think it is wrong and think it should be illegal unless mom or baby are at risk.


25 with 3 wonderful boys!!!
Reply:I am pro-life.

Michelle, 19 and mom of 3 year old twins!
Reply:I think that people have the right to choose.

34 years old and have 2 kids and 1 on the way.
Reply:its kind of a tough choice for me..i would say pro-life because i do think its wrong to kill an innocent life..but then again i would choose pro-choice because if a girl was raped i think it would be wrong to make her have the im half and half..and some people could actaully die if they have a baby because of some condition or sometimes for the sake of the mother it would be best not to have the child..but thats just what i i guess i lean more toward s pro-choice...


Reply:This might help you: It appears to be about half and half, at least in the USA.

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